nunununu !!!!!! nu se poate asa ceva =)))))))))) filmuletul acesta e cel mai amuzant pe care l-am vazut in viata mea !!! plang si rad de vreo 3 ore de nebun !!! dumnezeu pe pamant !!!
- I have big balls.. but not this fucking big! =)))))
- hhoooooooomygod, hhhoooooooooooooomyygoddd
- this man has 99 problems but a cobra ain’t one =))))))
- this man does not even know what fuck means! =))))
- This guy gives 2 shit flying fuck , hooooo my god =)))
- 2 shit flying fuck is out looking for this man, but this man is nowhere to be found!! I bet if u look up the dictionary for does not give a fuck, you will find a picture of this man! =)))))))))))
- Potato number 1, potato number 2, potato number 3
- What do you for living. I toss cobra’s! =)))))