Aproape orice consultant sau expert financiar recomanda clientilor sa investeasca si sa economiseasca inca din tinerete. Pe cat de importante sunt insa investitiile timpurii, la fel de importante sunt si investitiile inteligente.
Din acest motiv va prezint azi o lista cu cartile pe care o persoana care face primii pasi in investitii ar trebui sa le citeasca.
- Cartea: Regula nr. 1. Cum sa investiti la bursa
Autor: Phil Town - Cartea: Investitorul inteligent – Manual complet de investitii in actiuni subevaluate
Autor: Benjamin Graham - Cartea: Warren Buffett despre aproape orice – Biografia de afaceri a celui mai de succes investitor al lumii
Autor: Warren Buffett, Carol J. LOOMIS - Cartea: Of Permanent Value: The Story of Warren Buffett
Autor: Andrew Kilpatrick - Cartea: Tata bogat, tata sarac. Educatia financiara in familie
Autor: Robert T. Kiyosaki - Cartea: Ghidul investitorului
Autor: Robert T. Kiyosaki - Cartea: Baietii isteti: Asalt pe Wall Street
Autor: Michael Lewis - Cartea: How Mutual Funds Work
Autor: Albert Fredman - Cartea: Investments
Autor: Zvi Bodie - Cartea: Lifetime Financial Advice: Human Capital, Asset Allocation, and Insurance
Autor: Roger G. Ibbotson, Moshe A. Milevsky, Peng Chen si Kevin X. Zhu
Alte carti de investitii gasiti aici: librarie.net; libris.ro; bookcity.ro
Past performance is not an indication of future results. Also, leveraged products can carry a high degree of risk. eToro offers protective measures to manage risk effectively, but in rare occasions it is possible to lose more money than invested. This content is for information and educational purposes only and should not be considered investment advice nor portfolio management.
Tags: antreprenoriat, business, carti