Nu stiu daca ati uitat sau daca nu stiati, dar luna viitoare (MAI) va avea loc “halving“-ul, eveniment care potrivit istoriei, este posibil chiar sa dubleze pretul bitcoin-ului.
Reducerea la jumătate a blocurilor este un eveniment care se intampla o data la aproximativ patru ani in care castigul minerilor de bitcoin primesc la rezolvarea unui bloc din reteaua Bitcoin este redus la jumatate. Drept urmare, viteza cu care se genereaza bitcoini noi scade. Evenimentul la jumatate este periodic si este programat in codul Bitcoin.
Voi ce ati facut in ultima vreme, ati mai investit in bitcoin sau ati uitat complet de el ? :)
Nu stiu altii cum sunt, insa eu in ultimele 2-3 luni am mai cumparat de cateva ori fiindca, mai ales in aceasta perioada in care vedem vulnerabilitate in monedele lumii si cand se spune ca leul va avea de suferit o perioada si nu doar leul ci si marile valute ale lumii, nu stiu ce va fi insa o moneda FARA INFLATIE precum bitcoin-ul eu zic ca e o metoda buna de diversificare a investitiilor (evident pe langa celelalte investitii precum investiile la bursa, actiuni, etf-uri, obligatiuni, imobiliare si alte genuri de investitii).
Pe ce platforme puteti investi in bitcoin in siguranta?
- eToro – Ii recomand si folosesc cu incredre de peste 7 ani de zile atat pentru actiuni la bursa internationala cat si pentru crypto, ETF-uri, fonduri, aur, argint, petrol, etc. Puteti extrem de usor sa investiti cu cardul adaugand RON, EURO, Dolari sau lire sterline.
- LDVBank – Platforma romaneasca ce creste din ce in ce mai frumos in acest domeniu. Procesul de inscriere este foarte usor, va inscrieti, depuneți, schimbati si retrageți BTC, ETH si EURO foarte usor, repede si in siguranta!
- Binance – Cel mai mare exchange de cryptomonede din lume, le permite acum utilizatorilor să își adauge cardurile Visa și să cumpere BTC, ETH, BNB și XRP cu Coroana Cehă (CZK), Leva Bulgară (BGN) și Lei Românești (RON).
Iti recomand sa citesti ce am mai scris despre bitcoin:
- Ce sunt cryptomonedele? Cum cumperi bitcoin, ethereum, ripple?
- De ce CRED în continuare că BITCOIN nu moare și că oportunitatea e URIAȘĂ
- 67 de curiozitati despre bitcoin (Infografic)
- Platforme sigure de tranzacționare cryptomonede
- Tot ce trebuie sa stii despre bitcoin!
Acestea fiind spuse, iata cateva informatii (via google) despre mult asteptatul bitcoin halving:
What is Bitcoin halving 2020?
An event that halves the rate at which new Bitcoins are created. It occurs once every four years. As many know, Bitcoin’s (BTC) supply is finite. Once 21 million coins are generated, the network will stop producing more.Dec 8, 2019
It’s a rule written into bitcoin’s underlying code by its pseudonymous creator Satoshi Nakamoto more than a decade ago. The event, expected in May 2020, slashes by half the number of new coins awarded to bitcoin miners who provide global supply of the cryptocurrency by solving complex maths puzzles.
What date is Bitcoin halving?
November 28, 2012: The first Bitcoin halving takes place to reduce mining rewards to 25 BTC. July 9, 2016: Second halving takes mining reward down to 12.5 BTC. 2020: The third halving will see the reward fall to 6.25 BTC.
What will Bitcoin halving do to price?
A block reward halving is a mechanism that is activated once every four years on the Bitcoin network that reduces the rate in which new BTC is mined. Theoretically, halvings should eventually lead to an increase in the price of bitcoin, as less BTC flows into the market approaching its 21 million cap.
Will Bitcoin rise after halving?
“Following the Bitcoin halving, miners’ estimated breakeven costs will rise from ~$7,000 today to ~$12,000–15,000 per BTC after. … Because the halving drops the amount of BTC that is mined as Bitcoin approaches its fixed supply of 21 million, miners will earn less BTC after the halving for performing the same work.
How many Bitcoins are left?
There are currently close to 4.3 million Bitcoins left that aren’t in circulation yet. With only 21 million Bitcoins that will ever exist, this means that there are about 16.7 million Bitcoins currently available.
Will Bitcoin Rise Again 2020?
Yes, a new Bitcoin halving will happen on May 17, 2020, and after this event, the block reward will be halved again (to 6.25 BTC). Such a reduction will lead to an increase in demand and, accordingly, price. Therefore, 2020 may be better than 2019.
What will bitcoin be worth in 2030?
Bitcoin’s 2030 market cap is decided by the number of bitcoin holders multiplied by the average bitcoin value held. Bitcoin’s 2030 supply will be about 20 million. Bitcoin’s 2030 price and user count will total $500,000 and 400 million, respectively.
Who owns the most bitcoin?
Michael Novogratz. Billionaire Michael Novogratz has invested approximately 30 percent of his fortune in cryptocurrencies. He began investing in 2015 and announced a $500 million cryptofund, which includes $150 million of his own fortune, in 2017.
Who controls Bitcoin price?
Bitcoin’s price isn’t set by anyone in particular. It’s set by the market, and to make things even more complex, and it varies. As an example, in September 2019 you could look up the bitcoin price on Google, and might say it was $10,099.
PS: Daca doriti sa investiti in bitcoin va recomand platforma si/sau aceasta
Disclaimer: Nu sunt un analist financiar, consultant si nici broker. Iti voi oferii ajutorul prin prisma experientei personale pe portofoliul propriu de investitor si nu de povestitor. Ceea ce vei decide sa faci in urma discutiei cu mine, este strict responsabilitatea ta. In momentul in care vei lua decizia sa investesti, iti voi recomanda si o lista de brokeri autorizati cu care vei putea discuta si incepe deschiderea contului de tranzactionare.
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Tags: Bitcoin, bitcoin halving, BTC, criptomonede, crypto, cryptocurrency, cryptomonede, ghid, halving, monede digitale, sfaturi