
JP Morgan vs Bitcoin – Iata cum se manipuleaza piata si cum se profita din asta

17/09/2017 | #crypto, Lume nebuna | 2,579 views

Cu siguranta ati citi si voi articolul acesta in care boss-ul de la JP Morgan a declarat ca Bitcoin-ul “nu e bune” si ca “caca” si ca frauda si ca o sa fie rau-rau de tot!

Au dat declaratii nasoale despre bitcoin si ia ghiciti ce au facut dupa? Fix a doua zi au mai cumparat ceva cantitati mari (cateva zeci de milioane dolari) de bitcoin :)))))

JP Morgan executive Jamie Dimon calling bitcoin a “fraud” and claiming he would fire any employee from his firm who traded the digital currency for being “stupid.” Now it seems JP Morgan has been caught red-handed purchasing a bunch of XBT shares, otherwise known as exchange-traded-notes, that track the price of Bitcoin. JP Morgan doesn’t just purchase bitcoin notes, but is also heavily involved with the ‘blockchain fever’ that has infected banks across the world. The financial firm has applied for a “bitcoin alternative” patent with the U.S. over 175 times in 2013.

Additionally, former JP Morgan executives are all about blockchain technologies these days and even bitcoin. The veteran commodities trader, Daniel Masters, joined JP Morgan right after graduating college and in 2014 announced he was starting a bitcoin-based hedge fund. Another former JP Morgan mogul, Blythe Masters, started her own blockchain startup Hyperledger which is now run by the Linux Foundation. Masters is still heavily involved with the blockchain project and has a seat on the governance board.

Banii multi se fac usor, banii putini se fac cu greu … ASADAR … oameni buni, traim niste vremuri in care in orice declaratie prima data trebuie vazut interesul si dupa sa analizam veridicitatea informatiei !

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